New Beginnings

Introduction Here at Stonewoods we are passionate about our history and the way design has developed over history up until the present day. These series of Blogs will focus on varying periods throughout the ages and their designs. Being a fireplace company we look to focus on the interior design that these periods defined. We believe these ties directly into our ‘Project Restoration’ ideal which we have on our social media pages.

These blogs will look at Georgian, Regency, Victorian, Edwardian, & Art Nouveau and will give an idea of the style of that time. It will also provide some information about the time and show you examples of what you can still find today in the antique Market. We shall also be cataloguing are own progress on ‘Project Restoration’ demonstrating the process we go through to restore these fireplaces to their former glory. We aim to give people a glimpse through history through demonstrating different periods of design focusing on our area of expertise, antique fireplaces.

We will also contrast this with an update on what we are doing at Stonewoods listing the latest technological advances in our industry. So we aim to give you a little knowledge on what goes on affecting interior design whether it is classic or contemporary tastes.

We welcome all feedback and contributions to what you want to see in this blog and what interests you about the different historical periods and how it varies from what we offer today..

You can find us on Facebook and Twitter as well as our website.

For an up to date listing of our High efficiency fireplaces please check Latest Technology.